I was really excited to start my EVS project at the Centrum Rehabilitacji Educacji i Opieki Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Dzieci “Helenow”, Warsaw...
After a long farewell with my family and friends; and after a tiring journey till the arrival point – the airport of Warsaw- me and my colleague Sergiu finally stepped on the land of the country where we were planned to live for 9 months. There we were welcomed by our wonderful mentors, our first Polish friends. All together we leaved the airport for the trip to my future house. I enjoyed this trip, because we crossed the entire city to get to the final point; so that, I pictured in my mind the first impression about the place what will be for me and for the other volunteers the second home. When I arrived to Helenow, I was very positively surprised of the green region in the middle of which it was finding. I met the other 3 apartment mates very great (Mari from Belgium, Diana from Portugal and Claudia from Germany); I was happy that I finally was “home”.
In the next days of September I have started to discover the school where I will volunteer, also the environments, the city center, the most important places/regions of Warsaw. Due to my mentor Hanka, in the first 3 weeks I visited the Planetarium of Warsaw (recently opened in the city), the Festival of Science, some art galleries and many other interesting events. She is trying all the best to make me feel well in her country, being very helpful and friendly.
Regarding the Polish food it seems to be almost the same as in my country; there are only some small differences concerning the tastes and the amount of spices. I am happy to have the food ready prepared for me; but in weekends it’s kind of impossible to follow the meals schedule 100% because in our free time we attend different activities out of our place of work, so, most of the time we eat away from home.
I also have Polish classes 2 times a week; I hope to speak normally in Polish very soon.
Generally speaking, my first contact with Poland was positive; and now my mission is to discover more and more this country.